Large Residential

Torre Marine, Torquay, Devon
A modern high density mixed use scheme comprising of sheltered housing, speculative office development, and multiple Flats, Apartments and Terraced houses all on a steeply sloping city centre site and the former home of South Devon College in Torquay. Architectural features include residential units set around the perimeter of three parking courtyards which step down the hill side. On street parking and street width is kept to a minimum. The major apartment blocks are organised around a pedestrianised and fully landscaped central ‘spine’.
* Designed in conjunction with RPS Architectural, RPS landscape and RPS Civil engineering teams to provide a joined up and well thought out urban environment.

North Point, Camden, London
A modern high density residential scheme comprising of multiple units of Flats, Apartments and houses built on the site of a former Jewish school. Architectural features include some traditional Georgian Terraced townhouses while deeper into the site rests more modern high rise apartment blocks which include glass and steel balconies and pavilion style rooftop penthouse suites. Details include crisp render and terracotta rain screen cladding and private courtyard parking.
*Designed in conjunction with DG3 Architects (formerly MLDG).

Area One, Pipers way, Swindon
A modern high density residential housing scheme comprising of high quality Flats, Apartments and Terraced houses on a brownfield site in Swindon, using modern materials, detailing and innovative street and parking designs. Architectural features include zinc cladding, cedar weather boarding, render and horizontal stone cladding.
*Designed in conjunction with RPS Architectural, RPS landscape and RPS Civil engineering teams to provide a joined up and well thought out urban environment.

Apsley House, No 2 Spa Rd, Glos.
Apsley House at No 2 Spa Road is a prime example of a regency style house, set on a prominent corner plot on Southgate Street. The Spa Road area of Gloucester City was a very fashionable area to live in the C18 due to the nearby location of the Spa Pump Rooms. The project consisted of a light touch design to convert the existing Grade 2 listed townhouse into a 10 bedroom HMO. Most of the original large rooms are kept or reinstated where possible in the design, enjoying high ceilings, prominent feature fireplaces, and tall sash windows. The room proportions lend themselves well to HMO accommodation. The elegant existing staircase endures allowing ease of access to each room. The major challenge was to accommodate modern vehicle & disabled access from the rear of the property, new disabled sanitary provision and a large well equipped communal kitchen to ensure the building remains occupied and in use for many years to come.
The professional advice Bruton Young design offers in this field is drawn from years of experience gained working on many varied medium sized mixed use contemporary residential projects of typical 200-400 unit size. We have experience of working alongside some of the UK's major house developers & house builders to provide a full service from concept and master planning, right through to site supervision & completion on site.
We are able to acknowledge, introduce and manage all relevant consultant expertise at each project stage wherever necessary. Bruton Young Design are familiar with all aspects of the process, including the complexities of the local planning system, CABE presentations & reviews, NHBC reviews & approvals and dealing with complex legal aspects such as Party Wall Agreements.